FOAMER BRAND FP (FLUORO PROTEIN FOAM CONCENTRATE) is made from hydrolysed Protein Foam Compound, fluorochemical surfactants, foam stabilizers, and special type of antifreeze solvents & preservatives which imparts the material good performance and long storage. FOAMER BRAND FP is suitable for use on non polar fires hydrocarbon based. The strong blanket prevents the release of fuel vapor and water content in the foam provides cooling effect.
UL Listed
EN Approved
ISI Marked
ICAO Specification
UK DEFENCE Specification 42-40/ Issue1
ISO 7203-1
IMO MSC /Circ. 1312
FOAMER BRAND FP is available in UV protected 20L, 30L capacity HDPE pails or 200L capacity HDPE drums as per IS 7959.